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Fernley will be ‘epicenter’ of future development in Northern Nevada, Gilman says

Developer Lance Gilman helped change the economic fortunes of the Truckee Meadows in the 21st century with the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Complex (TRI) in Storey County, just east of Reno-Sparks.

Technology titans such as Blockchains, Google and Switch — plus large manufacturers such as Tesla — have located there, bringing jobs, population growth and new money to Northern Nevada.

Yet with little vacancy remaining at TRI, Gilman and partner Roger Norman Sr. are developing another mega-industrial park just east of TRI in Fernley.

Gilman predicted on Nevada Newsmakers that it will make Fernley — about 34 miles east of Reno — the “epicenter” of the regional economy.

“Fernley is just ripe for development,” Gilman told host Sam Shad. “It is in the epicenter of what is going to happen over the next 10 or 15 years in Northern Nevada. Fernley is the epicenter.”

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(415) 491 – 1500

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San Rafael, CA 94903


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The LRE & Co is a family organization that has been in real estate development, construction and the food and beverage businesses since 1999. It has been present in major markets throughout northern California and northwest Nevada.


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